Childhood Obesity: Causes and Implications

At a time, when the world is chanting good health and physical fitness, we see people getting into shape, taking up various activities to stay fit, but somewhere down the line, we are overlooking the health of our kids. Child obesity is a growing concern amongst kids wherein a vast majority have their BMI Index dangling between overweight and obese. If not controlled, the increasing weight can lead to several medical conditions. Dr Abhishek Sharma, a renowned child specialist in Faridabad, Delhi has been practising in the medical and child healthcare centre for over 10 years. Here, he explains the various factors which lead up to obesity in children.

There are various reasons which can cause childhood obesity. Eating habits are the primary reason for the weight to increase. It’s no surprise that kids love junk food and sugary treats however this is the main culprit which needs to be adjusted. Oily food and excessive sugar can easily lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Making small changes in the diet by including healthy snacks, fruit bowls etc will prove to be a good decision. Apart from healthy eating, being physically active is also equally important. Therefore, taking some time off from mobile games, play stations, television screens, etc will be quite beneficial. Being overweight at a young age can hamper the kid’s self-esteem especially if he/she is ridiculed or taunted by friends and classmates. This can affect the child’s personality which in severe cases might be unrecoverable.

As parents, you can make your child understand the various issues of being overweight. Diet changes, fitness activities for the whole family are small steps, to begin with. For further assistance, consult Dr Abhishek Sharma, a renowned child specialist in Faridabad, Delhi by searching for a ‘Pediatrician near me’.


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